About Us

Welcoming you to Mophy(M/S HERBS COSMO), Cosmetics Luxury where Natural Botanicals and Scientific Research materialize to be the reason for your Beauty. Mophy lays a foundation to comprehend the potential in the natural ingredients when amalgamated with Beauty Products. Mophy presents its myriad range of Skin care Essentials for everyone to reap the Nature-Grown Skin.

Our Aim

Our aim is to combine the best of nature and the power of science to create an extensive range of chemical-free skin  care products. We believe that in the land of Ayurveda, where nature has been entrusted with personal care for centuries, each person should have easy access to natural and organic formulations. We strive to discover and understand as much as possible about potent ingredients from nature to create blends that can enhance the beauty of our customers.

Our Promise

We know that there is no dearth of chemical-based products in the market. We also know that people have not yet developed the habit of checking the ingredients label before buying a skin care product. With Mophy, it is our promise to deliver formulations made with natural and organic ingredients minus any harmful chemicals. We put painstaking efforts in ensuring the quality of our products. We respect mother nature and her gifts and don’t believe in diluting her abilities with chemicals!